Vienna brak buttonu cytowanie selektywne

Założony przez  pawelc.

wersja skryptu MyBB:
adres forum:
na czym polega problem (screen, opis, komunikaty, nazwa stylu/theme/szablonu):
Mam problem z dodaniem buttonu cytowania selektywnego,kombinuję na różne sposoby i tak nic mi z tego nie wychodzi
Konto testowe:
Login test1
hasło testowo
* This file is part of View Unread Posts plugin for MyBB.
* Copyright (C) Lukasz Tkacz <>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program.  If not, see <>.

* Disallow direct access to this file for security reasons
if (!defined("IN_MYBB")) exit;

* Create plugin object
$plugins->objects['fastQuote'] = new fastQuote();

* Standard MyBB info function
function fastQuote_info()
    global $lang;


    $lang->fastQuoteDesc = '<form action="" method="post" style="float:right;">' .
        '<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_s-xclick">' .
        '<input type="hidden" name="hosted_button_id" value="3BTVZBUG6TMFQ">' .
        '<input type="image" src="" border="0" name="submit" alt="PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!">' .
        '<img alt="" border="0" src="" width="1" height="1">' .
        '</form>' . $lang->fastQuoteDesc;

    return Array(
        'name' => $lang->fastQuoteName,
        'description' => $lang->fastQuoteDesc,
        'website' => '',
        'author' => 'Lukasz "LukasAMD" Tkacz',
        'authorsite' => '',
        'version' => '1.1.0',
        'compatibility' => '18*',
        'codename' => 'fast_quote'

* Standard MyBB installation functions
function fastQuote_install()


function fastQuote_is_installed()
    global $mybb;

    return (isset($mybb->settings['fastQuoteStatus']));

function fastQuote_uninstall()


* Standard MyBB activation functions
function fastQuote_activate()

function fastQuote_deactivate()

* Plugin Class
class fastQuote
    private $posts;
    private $quick_reply_status = false;

     * Constructor - add plugin hooks
    public function __construct()
        global $plugins;

        // Add all hooks
        $plugins->hooks["parse_message_start"][10]["fastQuote_injectParser"] = array("function" => create_function('&$arg', 'global $plugins; $plugins->objects[\'fastQuote\']->injectParser($arg);'));
        $plugins->hooks["postbit"][10]["fastQuote_addButton"] = array("function" => create_function('&$arg', 'global $plugins; $plugins->objects[\'fastQuote\']->addButton($arg);'));
        $plugins->hooks["showthread_start"][10]["fastQuote_checkQuickReplyStatus"] = array("function" => create_function('', 'global $plugins; $plugins->objects[\'fastQuote\']->checkQuickReplyStatus();'));
        $plugins->hooks["pre_output_page"][10]["fastQuote_pluginThanks"] = array("function" => create_function('&$arg', 'global $plugins; $plugins->objects[\'fastQuote\']->pluginThanks($arg);'));
     * Collect post data if full quote option is enabled
    public function injectParser($message)
        global $mybb, $post;
        if (THIS_SCRIPT == 'showthread.php'
            && $mybb->user['uid'] > 0
            && $mybb->settings['fastQuoteStatus'])
            $this->posts[$post['pid']] = htmlspecialchars($post['message']);
        return $message;
     * Check is quick reply enabled
    public function checkQuickReplyStatus()
        global $fid, $forum, $forumpermissions, $mybb, $thread;
        if ($forumpermissions['canpostreplys'] != 0
            && $mybb->user['suspendposting'] != 1
            && ($thread['closed'] != 1 || is_moderator($fid))
            && $mybb->settings['quickreply'] != 0
            && $mybb->user['showquickreply'] != '0'
            && $forum['open'] != 0)
            $this->quick_reply_status = true;
     * Add fast quote button to post data
    public function addButton(&$post)
        global $lang, $mybb, $templates;

        $post['button_quote_fast'] = '';
        if (!$this->quick_reply_status || !$mybb->settings['fastQuoteStatus'])
            $fastquote_data = array(
                'pid'           => $post['pid'],
                'username'      => $post['username'],
                'dateline'      => $post['dateline'],
                'title'         => $mybb->settings['fastQuoteText'],
                'style'         => $mybb->settings['fastQuoteImageStyle'],
                'message'       => $this->posts[$post['pid']],
            eval("\$post['button_quote_fast'] .= \"" . $templates->get("fastQuote_button") . "\";");
     * Say thanks to plugin author - paste link to author website.
     * Please don't remove this code if you didn't make donate
     * It's the only way to say thanks without donate :)    
    public function pluginThanks(&$content)
        global $session, $lukasamd_thanks;
        if (!isset($lukasamd_thanks) && $session->is_spider)
            $thx = '<div style="margin:auto; text-align:center;">This forum uses <a href="">Lukasz Tkacz</a> MyBB addons.</div></body>';
            $content = str_replace('</body>', $thx, $content);
            $lukasamd_thanks = true;

Coś więcej?
Jakieś komunikat o błędzie itp?
Nie widać przycisku ,po za tym żadnego błędu ,cytowanie działa .Chciałbym tam dodać przycisk z nazwą Cyt.Sel. i z ikonką jak przycisk cytuj .Wszystko jest w css-ie i nie bardzo sobie z tym radzę .Jak się zalogujesz na test1 i hasło testowo to wejdziesz we właściwy styl o który mi chodzi
Pokaż kod z ACP > Style i szablony > Szablony globalne > fastQuote_button
Podziękuj klikając Pomógł.
Wspieram akcję "Dziękuję za pomoc"
<a href="#message" onclick="addquote('{$fastquote_data['pid']}','{$fastquote_data['dateline']}','{$fastquote_data['username']}');" title="{$fastquote_data['title']}" class="postbit_fastquote"><span class="postbit_fastquote_span" style="{$fastquote_data['style']}">*</span></a>
<div style="display:none;" id="message_fq{$fastquote_data['pid']}">{$fastquote_data['message']}</div>

zrobiłem coś takiego i działa ,dzięki za naprowadzenie
<span class="minibutton"><a href="#message" onclick="addquote('{$fastquote_data['pid']}','{$fastquote_data['dateline']}','{$fastquote_data['username']}');" title="{$fastquote_data['title']}" class="postbit_fastquote"><i style="font-size: 14px;" class="fa fa-quote-right fa-fw"></i> Cyt.sel.</span></a></span>
<div style="display:none;" id="message_fq{$fastquote_data['pid']}">{$fastquote_data['message']}</div>

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