Inna (wpisz poniżej)
Licencja pliku OUGC Awards 1.0.7
* This plugin is under uDezain free plugins license. In short:
* ============================================================
* 1.- You MUST NOT remove any license comments in any file that comes within this package.
* 2.- You MUST NOT redistribute this or any modified version of this plugin by any means without the author written permission.
* 3.- You MAY edit whatever you want to fit your needs without permission (EXCEPT FOR THAT MENTIONED IN #1).
* By downloading / installing / using this plugin you accept these conditions and the full attached license.

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* uDezain Free Plugins End Users Licence Agreement *
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You agree with this license if you:
a) Download this plugin and/or
b)- Install this plugin and/or
c)- Use this plugin.

All uDezain PRODUCTS are protected by the laws of The United States of America and International Laws.

a) PRODUCT(s): Any piece of software which is provided by uDezain to users.
b) YOU: Any person that downloads, install or uses uDezain's PRODUCTS.

This end users licence agreement grants YOU the following rights:

a) Installation and Use: YOU may install uDezain PRODUCTS on any domain and server that YOU own.
b) Modification: YOU may modify, in whole or part, uDezain's PRODUCTS without uDezain's permission.
c) Redistribution and reproduction: YOU may not reproduce and/or distribute, in whole or part, any copies of uDezain's PRODUCTS without previus written permission from uDezain.

a) Limitations on Modifying: Modifying uDezain PRODUCTS, in whole or part, does not give YOU any additional rights and therefore YOU are still under agreement with this EULA.

b) Separation of Components: uDezain PRODUCTS are licenced as a single PRODUCT. Its components may not be separated for use anywhere else.

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* Last Modified: 29th of October, 2012. *
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