MyBB Debug Information

Page Generation

Page Generation Statistics
Page Generation Time: 0.0175681114197 seconds No. DB Queries: 7
PHP Processing Time: 0.0143616 seconds (81.75%) DB Processing Time: 0.0032065 seconds (18.25%)
Extensions Used: mysqli, xml Global.php Processing Time: 0.0174141 seconds
PHP Version: 5.2.17 Server Load: 0.65
GZip Encoding Status: Disabled No. Templates Used: 20 (22 Cached / 0 Manually Loaded)
Memory Usage: 4.75 MB (4980736 bytes) Memory Limit: 40M

Database Connections (1 Total)

[READ] psrolepl_user@localhost (Connected in 0s)

Database Queries (7 Total)

#1 - Write Query
SET NAMES 'utf8'
Query Time: 6.91413879395E-5

#2 - Select Query
SELECT title,cache FROM mybb_datacache
table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
mybb_datacache ALL 33
Query Time: 0.000313997268677

#3 - Select Query
SELECT * FROM mybb_sessions WHERE sid='8bbcda63b0f2251d40388f1edab80bba' AND ip='' LIMIT 1
table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
mybb_sessions const PRIMARY,ip PRIMARY 98 const 1
Query Time: 0.000226974487305

#4 - Select Query
SELECT u.*, f.* FROM mybb_users u LEFT JOIN mybb_userfields f ON (f.ufid=u.uid) WHERE u.uid='109' LIMIT 1
table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
u const PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 const 1
f const PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 const 1
Query Time: 0.000397205352783

#5 - Write Query
UPDATE mybb_sessions SET `uid`='109', `time`='1313534180', `location`='/debug.php?debug=1', `useragent`='Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.16 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/10.0.6', `location1`='0', `location2`='0', `nopermission`='0' WHERE sid='8bbcda63b0f2251d40388f1edab80bba' LIMIT 1
Query Time: 0.000179052352905

#6 - Select Query
SELECT name, tid, properties, stylesheets FROM mybb_themes WHERE tid='9' LIMIT 1
table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
mybb_themes const PRIMARY PRIMARY 2 const 1
Query Time: 4.91142272949E-5

#7 - Select Query
SELECT title,template FROM mybb_templates WHERE title IN ('' ,'css' ,'headerinclude' ,'header' ,'footer' ,'gobutton' ,'htmldoctype' ,'header_welcomeblock_member' ,'header_welcomeblock_guest' ,'header_welcomeblock_member_admin' ,'global_pm_alert' ,'global_unreadreports' ,'' ,'global_pending_joinrequests' ,'nav' ,'nav_sep' ,'nav_bit' ,'nav_sep_active' ,'nav_bit_active' ,'footer_languageselect' ,'header_welcomeblock_member_moderator' ,'redirect' ,'error') AND sid IN ('-2','-1','8') ORDER BY sid ASC
table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
mybb_templates ALL 744 Using where; Using filesort
Query Time: 6.29425048828E-5

Template Statistics

Templates Used (Loaded for this Page) - 20 Total
global_pm_alert, header_welcomeblock_member, header_welcomeblock_member_moderator, header_welcomeblock_member_admin, redirect, gobutton, footer, headerinclude, nav_sep, nav_sep_active, header_welcomeblock_guest, header, global_unreadreports, global_pending_joinrequests, error, nav, nav_bit, nav_bit_active, htmldoctype, footer_languageselect

Templates Requiring Additional Calls (Not Cached at Startup) - 0 Total